Covid-19 Update

The City of Cove office is closed. We are providing assistance thru e-mail and telephone. Please call the office at 541 568-4566 and leave a message. We will return calls once a day. If you need more immediate assistance I am monitoring e-mail from home I will either e-mail or call you back as soon as possible. You can reach Dave at public work at 541 786-0377. We will be available by appointment if needed. Payments taken via drop box or thru the website at I am participating in weekly phone conference set up by Union County Emergency Services with local updates. I’m also participating in a weekly phone conference set up by League of Oregon Cities. You can hear those conferences and/or see their Question and answer section that shows how the League of Oregon Cites is helping cities in this time on their website: For the most recent information about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) go to: You can also call 211 to ask general questions. Thank you for your patience thru this.